Assalamualaikum WBT

May you be well and pure. Be in accord and be well. May Seremban be Sustainable, Clean and Well.

First of all, I would like to wish you a warm Welcome to the Official Portal of the Seremban City Council (MBS) and thank you for visiting the MBS Official Portal. The trend of digital services today consists of Online Services and Mobile Applications. Digital lifestyles, cashless societies, application-based businesses, ‘smart’ countries and virtual services are part of the ever-growing digital culture. Therefore, the concept of service delivery needs to evolve to face increasingly complex challenges, in an effort to provide quality services to the community.

MBS is constantly making comprehensive improvements, taking into account current challenges and changes, whether globally or domestically, to meet the expectations of the millennial-dominated residents of the City. The impact of this digitization calls for MBS to think creatively and innovatively to improve existing work processes in providing efficient and effective delivery, at the same time always upholding the principles of integrity and transparency in every matter.

Since the country was struck by the COVID-19 pandemic, the MBS Administration has not been left behind in utilizing the latest technology where most of the Council's services such as payments and complaints are carried out online, accessible 24 hours a day, anywhere with internet access. The following are among the online services provided by the Seremban City Council:

i. OSC Online
ii. eTaksiran
iii. ePembayaran
iv. eLesen
v. eKompaun
vi. Sistem Pengurusan Aduan Awam (SISPAA)

The existence of these online services are sure to facilitate customer dealings throughout the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Seremban City Council also enhanced its online services by allowing the public to make payments online through e-Wallets. Among them via :-

i. Shopee Pay
ii.Grab Pay
iii. Touch n Go
iv. Maybank QRPay
v. Boost

I hope that the existence of this MBS Portal will facilitate all dealings of the City residents. Payment transactions, complaints, suggestions or obtaining information can be carried out through this Portal. It is my great hope that the City residents can give support to MBS so that MBS’s vision of making Seremban City a “Sustainable, Clean and Viable Smart City” is achieved. To ensure that the residents of Seremban City enjoy a comfortable and fine quality of life, then of course, the support of the

City residents is very much needed. I believe, and am fully confident that, one day Seremban City can be a smart city, God willing.For those requiring information for research or learning purposes, this portal also provides references and resources on MBS and Seremban, in line with the Open Data agenda under the MBS Smart City initiative.

I also always welcome any comments and views from all residents of the City through various channels including the Seremban City Council’s email and social media (facebook, Instagram and Twitter). I also hope that the residents of the City follow the Council's social media to obtain a wide range information, especially on the activities and programmes carried out by MBS.

Lastly, I would like to thank you once more for visiting the MBS Official Portal and hope that the residents of the City can make the best use of the information shared in this Portal.


Thank you.