The entire Seremban City Council Area encompasses all the latest outbreak areas
- Subject to instructions on the latest outbreak area during Outbreak Meetings every Friday at the Seremban 2 Land District Office
- Fogging areas along with the duties of the Malaysian Ministry of Health
- Supervised by the Assistant Environmental Health Officer / PKA (Public Health Assistant) during each fogging activity. Ensuring that the speed of the vehicle complies with the instructions provided by the MOH (5-10km/hour) for ULV (Ultra Low Volume)
- Complying with fogging instructions in outbreak areas within a 200m radius
- Complying with the dosage of poisons and handling them accurately and in compliance with SOPs
- Complying with SOPs before and after handling the use of poisons/chemicals
- Carrying out PTP (Elimination of Breeding Grounds) works as a result of information from District Dengue Action Meetings and public complaints